I'm sorry Chanel, O.P.I. and China Glaze but my friends from S. America and I have been exchanging esmalte, or nail polish, reviews and I am VERY excited for this Brazilian polish, Impala. Impala specializes in hair care but has also been credited as one of the largest esmalte producers in Brazil. As of right now the only places you can actually go to the store and buy these polishes are in Brazil, Argentina and Peru..but they will eventually make their way to the US and if you are like me and have a major lack in impatience you can always order them online :D Like I will end up doing. (No worries I'll write my own review then)
What they had to say about Impala;
Now usually neon, light, and metallic colors are really pretty in the bottles, but when you put them on they aren't as bright unless you put multiple cotes on. Multiple cotes usually result in a gupy and thick mess. But apparently Impala is made with a thicker formula so it doesn't have to be coted on, causing the finished look to be much smoother. The end result of the polish is matte, but if you want the shine just add a clear polish.
Also for quite a bit cheaper you get about the same quality as Chanel lacquers. Yeap, no chips, gloss and shine (unless you get matte finishes) and not to mention it is hydrating for the finger nails and cuticles :)
Also Impala has hundreds of colors to choose from :) exciting, huh?
Well that's all on Impala for now! Keep your eyes open :)
*Footnotes; My Own Polish Advice*
Neons- China Glaze is my favorite for brighter (even neon) colors. (My personal favorite being Flip Flop Fantasy.) The good thing about this polish is it isnt matte and doesn't chip. Also the bright colors make you look tan. Bad thing is do to the gloss finish it isn't as neon as you first expect.
please avoid neons during the winter. wear metallics like silvers, golds, and bronzes.
Metallics- Texture is perfect for the winter, and what are the holidays without silver and gold? OPI has a very nice holiday selction. Just like China Glaze and Chanel, the polish is higher quality and the selection is endless.
Avoid using quick drying polish. The amount of acetone in them is what causes the paint to chip quickly.
I like a good fire engine red every now and then, but they ALWAYS stain my nails! When this happens I just soak my fingers in white vinegar for about ten minutes and wipe them with a paper towel. Your hands don't smell to pretty but it takes the stains out :)
Always start at the middle of your nail and move to the sides..it looks so much better in the end, trust me.